About Miles

Miles is an NYC based ERYT500+ Senior Yoga Teacher, wellness educator, speaker, music maker, craniosacral therapist and author who has been studying, practicing, and teaching the science and philosophies of yoga, meditation, buddhism, and tantra for over 25 years.

As a yoga and wellness educator, his extensive understanding and teaching around the intricate physiological workings of our nervous systems has helped thousands of people down-regulate and work with the endless stressors and pressures of modern life.

His work is centered around honoring the most authentic, essential parts of ourselves in order to lead whole-hearted, purposeful lives, steeped in meaning and connection. To that end, he wrote a magical realism memoir, Beautiful Monster: A Becoming, (Regalo Press 2023), that synthesizes his learning and experience, bringing out the universality in these teachings and making them accessible to anyone searching to live closer to their purpose and their essence.

As a Latiné, queer trans person, Miles is a passionate advocate for dismantling the systems within ourselves that keep us small.

As a speaker, Miles is a magnetic and inspiring storyteller, with an innate ability to engage his audience. His speeches and workshops have inspired hundreds to lean into their unique gifts as a way toward meaningful social change and co-creating the world we want to leave for our children together. He has given keynote speeches and panel discussions at conferences and universities, as well as offered workshops on the relationship between our stories, our purpose and our authenticity. He has also had the honor of officiating weddings, working extensively with elders, and accompanying people through births, illnesses, end of life situations and funerals.

Miles originally trained at Om Yoga back in the day, above the Strand Bookstore in Union Square with Cyndi Lee and her crew. Some of his most influential teachers in the yoga sphere are: Raghunath Capo, Margi Young, Ana Forrest, Schuyler Grant, Michael Stone, Alan Finger, Eric Shiffman, Rod Stryker, Maty Ezraty, Rusty Wells and Sean Johnson and The Wild Lotus Band. His work continues to be inspired by articulate, sharp movers, thinkers and shakers such as: Ido Portal, Mark Robberds, Wim Hoff, and Jenni Rawlings.

He lives with his best friend and Guru— Bowie, In NYC.

Miles currently teaches at St. Marks Yoga as well as online. He is part of the R&R and Luminary presenter teams at the Kripalu Yoga and Wellness Institute and leads retreats, workshops, teacher trainings and kirtan across the country as well as internationally.

He has also contributed to many yoga publications such as Embodied Philosophy, Om Stars, Haus of Phoenix. You can find his classes online at Embodied Philosophy, Om Stars, Haus of Phoenix, Yoga International. Check out more of his other writing here.