It’s Fall…Let’s Go In

I had a work meeting a while back, with someone who is quite brilliant, and as we discussed the possibility of working together, she said that it was going to happen because there was energy in it. It felt like the river or flow was taking her in my direction. Since then, her outlook has really stuck with me. Her point of view clear and refreshing, devoid of stress and anxiety. What if I did the same and followed the things in my life that are already energized? That felt easier said than done, mostly because it felt irresponsible to put down certain things down, even if they didn’t feel charged. But recently I have been playing with this idea again and have found a lot of wisdom in it.

Now that it is fall, as my energy quiets and I go into a space of both rumination, gratitude and dreaming. It feels better than it ever has felt to allow myself the space to go internal and both release things I don’t need and nurture the things I want to grow. Looking into the future and having the larger perspective has never been my strong suit but I feel this way of relating and playing with things is helping with that.

If you are feeling a desire to snuggle up with yourself via getting back on your mat, join me for the two week series I am teaching Starting Nov 1-5 &8-12, m-f 12-1:15 ET. Time together will be spent in a combination of discussion and physical practice using a wide variety of tools in the yoga cannon as we follow along and explore Georg Feuerstein’s wonderful audio book together, The Lost Teachings Of Yoga. If you’ve been estranged from your mat, or have the desire to dive a little deeper with a bit of a container, it will be a sweet and powerful way to return to your practice. And I am hoping it will also be delicious.

If you can’t make the sessions live, you can register and receive the sessions after they happen daily in your inbox, and follow along that way. Whatever works best for you.

I know committing to something when everything continues to shift feels challenging and scary. Perhaps accepting the impulse if it is there will help undo any anxiety around it. Especially as the darkness gets longer, it is imperative to continue to find ways of looking after ourselves that continue to bring vibrancy and immediacy to our hearts.

If you can’t afford it but want to be there, send me an email.

Big love, and I hope to see you there.


Ho-ho-holy-Gay Queer!


On Violence & Pronouns & Pride